About Canopy

At Canopy, our mission is to bridge the carbon finance gap by bringing together early stage carbon projects and interested investors. Our extensive market experience has revealed a crucial need: good projects often struggle to connect with the right backers. With this in mind, we have created a platform that offers freeing up time for you to focus on what you do best: developing projects!

Why Choose Canopy

  • Easy Onboarding: Joining our platform is straightforward and completely free for project developers.

  • Investors pay, only on Success: Our commitment to your success means that only investors pay a success fee.

  • Optimized Functionality: Benefit from our innovative bidding and volume restriction and allocation tools.

  • Satellite Functionality: Leverage our proprietary satellite assessment tool for early-stage project evaluation.

  • Quality and Risk Tool: Utilise our Q&R tool to guide investors through your quality considerations. (Aligned with ICVCM's Core Carbon Principles)

  • Communication: Engage with potential investors through our chat function.

  • Tailored Contracts: Our balanced contracts uphold transparency and fairness in every project partnership.

Market Experience

We know the voluntary carbon market well, and are backed by CF Partners. Our climate finance experience gives us deep insight into the on-the-ground needs of carbon project developers and investors, with a robust team to implement innovative solutions.

Low Hurdle, Low Commitment

Try Canopy without any sign-up fees or heavy commitments.

Join Our Exclusive Network

You'll be part of an exclusive, thoughtfully selected group of investors and project developers. 

The Canopy Team

Tyler Manchester

Head of Voluntary Carbon

Floor Oosterlee

Sustainable Development Lead

Charlie Robertson

Business Development & Satellite API Developer

Devin Mooers

Lead Full-Stack Developer

Book a demo, or try Canopy now

Get a live demo from one of our product specialists to see how Canopy can transform your experience in the voluntary carbon marketplace.